Every Day Science McQ’s

On 11 Feb 2016 The LIGO scientific collaboration announced the detection of ?

Ans: Gravitational Waves

The SI unit of charge is ?

Ans: Coulomb.

Very High Frequency (VHS) have _____ wavelength?

Ans: Shorter.

Long sight defect could be corrected by using __ lens?

Ans: Concave Lens.

Deficiency of Vitamin A results ?

Ans: Night Blindness.

For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will?

Ans: Increase.

The lifespan of Red Blood cell is ?

Ans: 120 Days.

The Density of Water is?

Ans: 1 g/cm3.

Radio activity discovered by?

Ans: Bacquerel

A device which convert chemical energy to electrical energy is called?

Ans: Battery.

The Sun is ?

Ans: Star.

The average adult has a  blood volume of about ???

Ans: 5 liter.

The most abundant element in universe is?

Ans: Hydrogen.

The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is?

Ans: Oxygen.

Each day human body breathe in __ liter of air?

Ans: 5,000 to 10,000liter.

Deficiency of Vitamin D results?

Ans: Rickets.

The SI Unit of Pressure is?

Ans: Pascal.

The most densest substance on earth is?

Ans: Osmium.

A Camera Uses a ___ to form a image?

Ans: Convex.

Which from of the Not conductor?

Ans: Aluminum, Graphite, Silicon.

CNG stands for?

Ans: Compressed Natural Gas.

Sound Cannot travel Through?

Ans: Vacuum.

When white light passes through a prism, it splits into ?

Ans: 7 Colors.

1 nano meter?

Ans: 10 -9meter.

Instrument used for measuring very high temperature  is ?

Ans: pyrometer.

The life span of White blood cell is ?

Ans:  1 day.

The Fluid Part of blood is known as?

Ans: Plasma.

X-ray were discovered by ?

Ans: Rontgen.

The speed of light is?

Ans: 3,00,000 km/s

__ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy road.

Ans: Salt

In a very low temperature __ will freeze at last?

Ans: Sea water.

Which planet is near to earth?

Ans: Venus.

Which planet revolve around sun?

Ans: Mercury 58.6 days 87.97 days

In General Comets have __ Orbits.

Ans: Highly Elliptical

GPS is the abbreviation?

Ans: Global positioning system

Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the?

Ans: Loss of Electron.

At Night Plants take___ and release ____

Ans: Oxygen , Carbon dioxide.

Urine is produced in?

Ans: Kidney.

Blood is cleaned by?

Ans: Kidney.

The position of element in periodical table is determined by its ???

Ans: Proton .

The salinity of sea water is determine by the amount of common salt ( Sodium chloride) in __ of sea water?

Ans: 1 Kg.

The planet which is easily visible from earth is?

Ans: Venus.

The great spot is on the planet is?

Ans: Jupiter.

The Body guard of earth is ___that saves from Comets and Asteroids?

Ans: Jupiter.

1 light year = ?

Ans: 9.5×1012 km

The planet visible to us without using telescope?

Ans: 5 planets.

According to Big Bang Theory this Universe is ???

Ans: 10 to 20Billion Years ago.

Biosensor is use to measure?

Ans: Salinity in Urine.

Einstein famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable?

Ans: E=mc2.

The SI unit of Electric current is ?

Ans: Ampere.

The Principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?

Ans: Nitrogen.

What is Dry Ice?

Ans: Solid Carbon Dioxide.

What are the Primary colors?

Ans: Red Green Blue.

Digestion of food is completed in ?

Ans: Small intestine.

Carrot is good source of Vitamin?

Ans: Vitamin A.

For proper formation of Teeth___ is essential?


Deficiency of ___ causes loss of appetite and poor growth.

Ans: Zinc.

Meteorology is the study of?

Ans: Atmosphere.

Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is?

Ans: 0.039%.

Diamond is allotropic form of?

Ans: Carbon.

The SI unit of Heat is?

Ans: Joule.

A good source of vitamin A is?

Ans: Green leafy vegetables.

A good source of Vitamin B complex is?

Ans: Seeds.

A Good source of Vitamin C is?

Ans: Fresh vegetable and fruits.

A good source of Iodine are?

Ans: Sea foods.

The Gas commonly known as Laughing gas is?

Ans: Nitrous Gas

The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is?

Ans: Water.

The instrument used to measure wind speed is?

Ans: Anemometer.

The Natural fat and oil composed of ?

Ans: Carbon, Hydrogen and oxygen.

The energy of food is measured in ?

Ans: Calories.

Wind Energy is ____ Energy?

Ans: Kinetic.

Who is considered the founder of meteorology?

Ans: Aristotle.

Water cover __ surface of earth?

Ans: 70%.

In general, wind speed 105 137 caused?

Ans: minor or no damage.

Acid rain is mainly caused by emission of____ in the atmosphere?

Ans: Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

about 50% of the earth crust’s including   the water on the earth and atmosphere is?

Ans: Oxygen.

The forth state of matter is ?

Ans: Plasma.

The Device used to convert Alternate Current AC to Direct Current DC is called?

Ans: Rectifier.

In Night, Photosynthesis is stopped, plants?

Ans: give off carbon dioxide.

During photosynthesis plants?

Ans: Gives off oxygen.

___ called powerhouse of the cell?

Ans: Mitochondria.

Mitochondria contain their own supply of?

Ans: Amino Acid.

The first chemical explosive gunpowder is a mixture of?

Ans: Sulfur, Charcoal, and Potassium Nitrate.

Spleen is called the graveyard of Red Blood Cells.

Oxgen Gas was discovered by Priestly.

Dr. James Waston discovered the structure of DNA in 1953.

Cell for the first time was discovered by Robert Hook.

“Debugging” is the process of locating and fixing or bypassing bug s (errors) in computer program code or the engineering of a hardware device.

‘Claustrophobia” is defined as the fear of enclosed spaces.

“Brass” is an alloy of copper and zinc; the proportions of zinc and copper can be varied to create a range of brasses with varying properties.

“Bronze” is a metal alloy consisting primarily of copper, usually with tin as the main additive.

Vitamin C (also callead Ascorbic Acid) is a powerful antioxidant, and aids in the production of collagen, and stimulates the immune system. Vitamin C is essential for appetite.

“Soda Water” serves as a primary remedy for upset stomach.

Normal arterial blood pH is 7.40, with a range of about 7.36-7.44. Blood pH depends on carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration and bicarbonate (HCO3) concentration. 

The main constituent of Sui Gas is Methane.

Agoraphobia is the fear of open or public places. “Agraphia” is the inability to write. Acrophobia is the fear of heights. Aerophobia is a fear of flying, Apiphobia is a fear of what? Bees. Cyberphobia is the fear of computers or working on a computer.

and acrophobia a fear of Heights.

A CPU( cache) is a cache used by the central processing unit of a computer to reduce the average time to access memory. The cache is a smaller, faster memory which stores copies of the data from the most frequently used main memory locations.

“Dry ice” is a Solid Carbon Dioxide.

Chemically diamond is a Pure Carbon.

Gas is use in Fire Cylinders CO2.(CO2 is use for extinguishing fire)

Sulphuric Acid is use in the car batteries. 

‘Parkinson’ is adisease of Brain.

The normal pulse beat of a human body is between 72—80.

An instrument designed for testing the purity of milk is called Lactometer.

“Autopsy” is the Post-Mortem examination of a body.

 ▪ “Lexicography” is the branch of science which deals with the process of writing dictionaries.

Speed of Sound in Air 331 m/s.

Red Colour has largest and Blue colour has shortest Wavelength.

“Pomology” is the study and cultivation of fruit.

Logarithm tables were invented by John Napier

Fish is the Best source of protein. 

Most commonly used bleaching agent is chlorine

The chief constituent of gobar gas is methane.

The frequency of which of the following is the highest?  Radio waves

“Charles Drew” was the first pioneered the idea of a blood bank. 

Kidneys organ of the body purifies the blood.

Skin is highly affected by the nuclear radiation first.

Radio waves travel with almost the velocity of Light.  

Diamond is the hardest mineral.

Life history of human malaria parasite in Anopheles was first described by Ronald Ross

The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of January.

Green vegetables are a good source of Minerals and Vitamins.

One metric ton is equal to 1000 kg, or 2204 pounds.

One square foot is equal to144 sq inches and 1 meter is equal to 3.28 foot.One nautical mile is equal to 6080.

“Monometer” is an instrument for measuring Gaseous Pressure.

Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760 mm

The acceleration caused by gravity per second is 32 feet.

1 Inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

Silicon is called the “Earth maker”.

When a disease occurs over a large area of earth’s surface at one time, it is called Epidemic disease.

The area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Trpic of Capricorn, where the sun is vertically overhead at some point of the year is called The Torrid zone.

Deficiency of Vitamin C causes Scurvy.

What does Angstrom measure? Speed of ships

The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun was Copernicus.

“Digital Computer” was invented by Howard Alken.

Wood is the least conducter of electricity.

“Cryptography” deals with the study of secret writing.

What is laughing gas? Nitrous Oxide

The element common to all acids is Hydrogen.

Diamond is an allotropic form of Carbon.

Earth revolves around the sun from? West to east

Philately is the science of stamp collection.

Hydrometer is used for specific gravity of liquid.

Which vitamin easily prepared in body? vitamin D

Which gas is commonly used in balloons? Helium
 [8/16, 9:39 AM] Waja ufone Sajad: ▪ Vitamins C not stored in human body and lack of vitamin c create skin disease.

Art and science of growing flowers, fruit and vegetables is called Horticulture.       

What did Sir Isaac Pitman invent? A form of shorthand 

“Dactyliography” is the study of finger prints.

“Etymology” is the study of origin and history of words.

“Plague” is a disease, which spreads by rat.

“Choreography” is the art of designing sequences of movements in which motion, form, or both are specified. Choreography may also refer to the design itself, which is sometimes expressed by means of dance notation.

Newton discovered that every applied force has an equal reaction.

When heavy unstable elements split into relatively smaller elements along with the release of energy is called fission.

Protein is present in the highest amount in a human body.

‘Bicycle’ was invented by Macmillan 

“Amino Acid” is the smallest unit of Protein.

How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body?  12.

A cataract is a clouding that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope (lens capsule), varying in degree from slight to complete opacity and obstructing the passage of light.

Ice melting at poles is because of Ozone depletion. Afforestation stands for planting of new Trees.

“Marie Curie” was a physicist and chemist famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes—in physics and chemistry. 

On boiling egg hardens which indicates the presence of Protein.

Abusive drugs damage cells of Brain.

In modern television Cathode Ray Tube is replaced with Transistor.

Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine that treats patients by insertion and manipulation of solid, generally thin needles in the body.this medical treatment was found in China.

“Stainless Steel” contains chromium, Iron and corban.

Red blood cells have no nucleus

Pain in ears when aeroplane goes down because of High Air pressure.

The maximum limit of sound beyond which a person can become deaf is 129 db.

[8/16, 9:40 AM] Waja ufone Sajad: ● Dental enamel is the hardest thing present in a human body.

The density of a liquid is measured by Hydrometer.

‘Fathom’ is the unit of measurement of depth.

Iron is the most widely used metal.

A human body has 236 joints. (206 bones ,  new baby contains 300). There are 24 ribs in a human body.

A colour blind person cannot distinguish between Red and Green.

Hippocrates is considered as the father of Medicine. 

Platinum is the costliest metal in the world. 

The main component of a TV is a cathode ray tube.

A man breathes 17 to18 times in a minute.

The breathing rate is controlled by the medulla.

The only metal which is liquid at ordinary temperature is Aluminium.

In the normal composition of human body oxygen is 64 percent.

The use of fingerprints for identification purposes was first proposed by the British scientist Sir Francis Galton.

Who invented ‘Printing Press’? Gutenberg 

Who invented ‘Television’? John L. Baird 

Who was the inventor of ‘mercury thermometer’? Fahrenheit 

Albert Einstein presented ‘theory of relativity’. 

Insulin was invented by F. Banting. 

Who discovered ‘X-rays’? Roentgen 

Dr. Alfred Bernhard Nobel discovered Dynamite 

‘Law of gravitation’ was introduced by Sir Isaac Newton 

‘Vaccination for smallpox’ was discovered by Jenner 

Who discovered ‘Oxygen’? Priestley Joseph 

What is the scientific name of man? Homo sapiens 

Polio, AIDS and Measles are caused by Virus 

T.B., leprosy , whooping cough and diphtheria are caused by Bacteria 

Lack of vitamin B can cause Beri Beri 

Goiter is caused by Deficiency of Iodine 

Man eat both plants and animals so called Omnivore 

Pepsin produced in stomach digests the Proteins 

Bile is secreted by Liver 

Blood sugar level is controlled by hormone called Insulin 

DNA double helix model was given by Watson and Crick 

Who gave the theory of evolution? Darwin 

Pituitary glands are located on Brain 

Tears are produced by Lachrymal glands 

In human eye image is formed at Retina 

Lemon contains vitamin C vitamin 

What is diploid number of man’s chromosome? 46

[8/16, 9:41 AM] Waja ufone Sajad: ● Which is the hottest planet of our solar system? Venus 

Which planet is closest to the Earth? Venus 

Which planet is biggest from the Sun? Jupiter 

Which is the closest planet to the Sun? Mercury 

During Solar eclipse the moon comes between the Earth and the Sun. 

During Lunar eclipse the Earth comes between the moon and the Sun. 

The greenish planet of solar system is Uranus 

Which planet of solar system is red in colour? Mars 

Name the blue coloured planet. Neptune 

Formation and change of one season to another is due to Earth Revolution 

The Sun appears to rise from the East and set into the West due to Rotation of Earth 

ROM stands for Read Only Memory 

A byte is a group of 8 bits 

SIMM stands for Single Inline Memory Module 

Four nibbles are equal to Two Bytes 

Smallest unit of memory is Bit 

1 Megabyte is equal to 1024 Kilobytes 

1 Kilobyte is equal to 1024 Bytes 

A condition in which memory lost is called Amnesia. 

Which planet is known as “Earth’s near twin planet”? Venus 

Which is the brightest planet in the Solar System? Venus 

The smallest, fastest and smallest diameter planet is Mercury. 

Which one of the following planets has the maximum number of satellites? Jupiter 

To measure electric current: Ammeter is used 

Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure? Sphygmomanometer 

Which instrument is used to measure minute electrical currents? Galvanometer 

Hydrometer is the device that measures: The specific gravity of a liquid 

Hygrometer is used to measure: humidity 

What is used for detecting and measure earthquakes? Seismograph 

What splits light into its spectrum? Spectroscope 

Thermometer is used to measure: Temperature. 

The science of study of old age is called Gerontology

The function of the thermostat in a refrigerator is To maintain the temperature

Blotting paper absorbs ink because The action of capillary

Name the vaccine that protects against tuberculosis? BCG

[8/16, 9:48 AM] Waja ufone Sajad: ▪ The smallest unit of measurement of wavelength is angstrom

The chemical generally used in refrigerators is ethylene

Period of famous Muslim scientists is 7th – 13th century A.D.

Heat radiation travels at a speed equal to  speed of light

Amoeba is a unicellular animal.

Leprosy is a disorder of the nervous system.

Quartz is chemically a Silicate. 

Solar eclipse occurs in New moon.

Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales give same reading at  – 400o 

Who described protoplasm as the physical basis of life?  T. H. Huxley 

The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun was  Copernicus 

Who invented the steam engine?  James Watt 

Who discovered circulation of blood in human body? William Harvey 

The credit of inventing the television goes to Baird 

The credit of developing the polio vaccine goes to Jonas Salk 

The unit of energy in MKS system is  Joule 

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell 

What is the body temperature of a normal man? 36.9oC

The pancreas secretes  Insulin

Tibia is a bone found in the  Leg

The largest part of the human brain is the  Cerebrum

Red blood corpuscles are formed in the Bone marrow

What is the main component of bones and teeth?  Calcium sulphate

The main constituent of hemoglobin is  Iron

The function of hemoglobin is  Prevention of anemia

Malaria is a disease which effects the  Spleen

A person of which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor?  O 

A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group? AB 

Which gland in the human body is called the master gland?  Pituitary

How many bones are there in a newly born infant?  300

Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?  Small pox

Medulla oblongata is a part of human  Brain 

Myopia is a disease connected with  Eyes

Leukemia is a disease of the  Blood 

Short-sightedness can be corrected by using  Concave lens 

Trachoma is a disease of the  Eyes 

Typhoid and cholera are typical examples of  Water-borne disease

Pyorrhea is a disease of the  Gums 

Lack of what causes diabetes.  Insulin 

Appendix is appendix is a part of  Large intestine 

ECG is used for the diagnosis of aliments of Heart 

Biopsy is done on  Tissues taken form a living body 

Dialysis is used for the treatment of  Kidney failure 

Insulin is injected into the intestines by  Pancreas 

Lock Jaw, i.e., difficulty in opening the mouth is a symptom of  Tetanus 

Lungs are situated in the  Thoracic cavity

Enzymes help in  Digestion of food. Food is normally digested in the  Small intestines.

The planet of the solar system which has maximum numbers of Moon is Jupiter (as of 2011)

A unit of length equal to the average distance between the earth and sun is called Astronomical unit

The ozone layer is present about 30miles (50km) in atmosphere above earth. The stratum (layer) of atmosphere in which ozone layer lies is called as Stratosphere

Which rocks are formed by the alteration of pre-existing rocks by great heat or pressure

Metamorphic rocks

The most abundant natural Iron oxides are Hematite and Magnetite

The most abundant elements in sea water Sodium and Chlorine

The unit of home electricity energy consumption is Kilowatt hour

The speed of sound in dry air at 20 C is about (343 m/s)

The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is 8 minutes

Light from Sun travels a distance before it reaches Earth 150 Million Km

The most suitable thermometer for measuring the boiling point of water is Mercury thermometer

The density of water is greatest at 4°C

A vacuum can not conduct heat

The building blocks of elements are called Molecules

Boiling of an egg is a change which is Chemical

The usual raw material for ceramics, generally found beneath the top soil is? Clay

Polyamides are synthetic polymers commonly known as Nylon

Telephone was invented in 1876 in America by Graham Bell.

Man belongs to the family Hominidae

The smallest unit of measurement of wavelength is angstrom

The chemical generally used in refrigerators is ethylene

Period of famous Muslim scientists is 7th – 13th century A.D.

Heat radiation travels at a speed equal to  speed of light

Amoeba is a unicellular animal.

Leprosy is a disorder of the nervous system.

Quartz is chemically a Silicate. 

Solar eclipse occurs in New moon.

Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales give same reading at  – 400o 

Who described protoplasm as the physical basis of life?  T. H. Huxley 

The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun was  Copernicus 

Who invented the steam engine?  James Watt 

Who discovered circulation of blood in human body? William Harvey 

The credit of inventing the television goes to Baird 

The credit of developing the polio vaccine goes to Jonas Salk 

The unit of energy in MKS system is  Joule 

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell 

What is the body temperature of a normal man? 36.9oC

The pancreas secretes  Insulin

Tibia is a bone found in the  Leg

The largest part of the human brain is the  Cerebrum

Red blood corpuscles are formed in the Bone marrow

What is the main component of bones and teeth?  Calcium sulphate

The main constituent of hemoglobin is  Iron

The function of hemoglobin is  Prevention of anemia

Malaria is a disease which effects the  Spleen

A person of which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor?  O 

A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group? AB 

Which gland in the human body is called the master gland?  Pituitary

How many bones are there in a newly born infant?  300

Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?  Small pox

Medulla oblongata is a part of human  Brain 

Myopia is a disease connected with  Eyes

Leukemia is a disease of the  Blood 

Short-sightedness can be corrected by using  Concave lens 

Trachoma is a disease of the  Eyes 

Typhoid and cholera are typical examples of  Water-borne disease

Pyorrhea is a disease of the  Gums 

Lack of what causes diabetes.  Insulin 

Appendix is appendix is a part of  Large intestine 

ECG is used for the diagnosis of aliments of Heart 

Biopsy is done on  Tissues taken form a living body 

Dialysis is used for the treatment of  Kidney failure 

Insulin is injected into the intestines by  Pancreas 

Lock Jaw, i.e., difficulty in opening the mouth is a symptom of  Tetanus 

Lungs are situated in the  Thoracic cavity

Enzymes help in  Digestion of food. Food is normally digested in the  Small intestines.

The planet of the solar system which has maximum numbers of Moon is Jupiter (as of 2011)

A unit of length equal to the average distance between the earth and sun is called Astronomical unit

The ozone layer is present about 30miles (50km) in atmosphere above earth. The stratum (layer) of atmosphere in which ozone layer lies is called as Stratosphere

Which rocks are formed by the alteration of pre-existing rocks by great heat or pressure

Metamorphic rocks

The most abundant natural Iron oxides are Hematite and Magnetite

The most abundant elements in sea water Sodium and Chlorine

The unit of home electricity energy consumption is Kilowatt hour

The speed of sound in dry air at 20 C is about (343 m/s)

The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is 8 minutes

Light from Sun travels a distance before it reaches Earth 150 Million Km

The most suitable thermometer for measuring the boiling point of water is Mercury thermometer

The density of water is greatest at 4°C

A vacuum can not conduct heat

The building blocks of elements are called Molecules

Boiling of an egg is a change which is Chemical

The usual raw material for ceramics, generally found beneath the top soil is? Clay

Polyamides are synthetic polymers commonly known as Nylon

Telephone was invented in 1876 in America by Graham Bell.

Man belongs to the family Hominidae

The smallest unit of measurement of wavelength is angstrom

The chemical generally used in refrigerators is ethylene

Period of famous Muslim scientists is 7th – 13th century A.D.

Heat radiation travels at a speed equal to  speed of light

Amoeba is a unicellular animal.

Leprosy is a disorder of the nervous system.

Quartz is chemically a Silicate. 

Solar eclipse occurs in New moon.

Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales give same reading at  – 400o 

Who described protoplasm as the physical basis of life?  T. H. Huxley 

The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun was  Copernicus 

Who invented the steam engine?  James Watt 

Who discovered circulation of blood in human body? William Harvey 

The credit of inventing the television goes to Baird 

The credit of developing the polio vaccine goes to Jonas Salk 

The unit of energy in MKS system is  Joule 

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell 

What is the body temperature of a normal man? 36.9oC

The pancreas secretes  Insulin

Tibia is a bone found in the  Leg

The largest part of the human brain is the  Cerebrum

Red blood corpuscles are formed in the Bone marrow

What is the main component of bones and teeth?  Calcium sulphate

The main constituent of hemoglobin is  Iron

The function of hemoglobin is  Prevention of anemia

Malaria is a disease which effects the  Spleen

A person of which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor?  O 

A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group? AB 

Which gland in the human body is called the master gland?  Pituitary

How many bones are there in a newly born infant?  300

Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?  Small pox

Medulla oblongata is a part of human  Brain 

Myopia is a disease connected with  Eyes

Leukemia is a disease of the  Blood 

Short-sightedness can be corrected by using  Concave lens 

Trachoma is a disease of the  Eyes 

Typhoid and cholera are typical examples of  Water-borne disease

Pyorrhea is a disease of the  Gums 

Lack of what causes diabetes.  Insulin 

Appendix is appendix is a part of  Large intestine 

ECG is used for the diagnosis of aliments of Heart 

Biopsy is done on  Tissues taken form a living body 

Dialysis is used for the treatment of  Kidney failure 

Insulin is injected into the intestines by  Pancreas 

Lock Jaw, i.e., difficulty in opening the mouth is a symptom of  Tetanus 

Lungs are situated in the  Thoracic cavity

Enzymes help in  Digestion of food. Food is normally digested in the  Small intestines.

The planet of the solar system which has maximum numbers of Moon is Jupiter (as of 2011)

A unit of length equal to the average distance between the earth and sun is called Astronomical unit

The ozone layer is present about 30miles (50km) in atmosphere above earth. The stratum (layer) of atmosphere in which ozone layer lies is called as Stratosphere

Which rocks are formed by the alteration of pre-existing rocks by great heat or pressure

Metamorphic rocks

The most abundant natural Iron oxides are Hematite and Magnetite

The most abundant elements in sea water Sodium and Chlorine

The unit of home electricity energy consumption is Kilowatt hour

The speed of sound in dry air at 20 C is about (343 m/s)

The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is 8 minutes

Light from Sun travels a distance before it reaches Earth 150 Million Km

The most suitable thermometer for measuring the boiling point of water is Mercury thermometer

The density of water is greatest at 4°C

A vacuum can not conduct heat

The building blocks of elements are called Molecules

Boiling of an egg is a change which is Chemical

The usual raw material for cera

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